It All Started With Bunny Slippers
It all started when Andrea saw her cousin's bunny slippers. She had to have a pair! Pam agreed to show her how to make them and arranged a crochet/knitting day at her house. Andrea and I bought all the necessary supplies for Andrea to make her own bunny slippers. Once we were getting started Andrea thought this might be harder than she had thought so I agreed to learn along with her and crochet one slipper while she made the matching one. Well fast forward to the end of the day and the only one learning to crochet was me. Since I needed some hand holding, Pam agreed to meet with me on Fridays to help me along the way. Beth decided to get in on this bunny action herself so our Friday group became a group of three.

When I was getting close to finishing the Fair Isle bag I popped back into the yarn store to find another project. This carpet bag pattern looked perfect to make for my knitting bag. The finished felted size is a roomy 19x13x6 so I will be able to add lots and lots of pockets in this one! I just finished knitting the decorative flowers and will be felting them this weekend and then picking out fabric for the lining. I haven't found handles I like yet, but am sure enjoying the hunt! Who knew there was so much cool knitting stuff out there!!!! 

So at knitting today I started a pair of felted clogs. This is my sole color and I'm using a lighter tan for the top. Yep! I love my neutrals!

Pam was working on her Fair Isle bag (that pattern is so fabulous)...
And Beth proudly displayed her finished bunny slippers.
So that's my knitting update - until next week
what beautiful projects Sue. Im so impressed
FUN and Thanks for sharing your creations!