Your Words, Your Story
I have a copy in my hands and I am so excited to share!!!!! Michele Skinner has authored the most fabulous book about telling your story in your scrapbooking and I finally have a copy!!
Not only do I have a copy, look who is on the back cover!
Yep, it's Andrea and she's on the back cover because I had the honor of being asked to contribute to Michele's book!
There is no topic in scrapbooking as near and dear to my heart as journaling. For me, that's pretty much the point of it all! I've kept up photo albums my entire life, but until scrapbooking, the stories remained in my head and my head alone. Because I am such a fan of journaling, it was truly a thrill to be asked to take part in Michele's project and now that it is out, here are my layouts from the book! Michele, thank you for including a little bit of my story!

LOVE seeing this post with recent layouts of yours... Andrea is stunning as always - she is so photogenic.