The Power of Persistence

I don't really know why I'm so obsessed with going to the Oprah show but I can't help but sign up for tickets every time the ticket window opens and send an email go be part of the show for any topic that kind of fits. Well last week there was a call for fans of the TV show "Glee" to share what Glee meant to them and why they should get to be part of the audience when the cast of Glee was at the Oprah studio. I sent in this email:
Glee has been one of those rare shows that both my teenage daughter and I enjoy
watching and talking about together and I am thankful for the opportunity to
spend a little more time with a 16 year old that usually would prefer to be with
her friends rather than her mom. The DVD of season 1 is constantly on rotation
at our house and the CDs of Season 1 and 2 are the first two CDs in my CD car's
CD player and my daughter will listen to those every time we're in the car
together. I adore Jane Lynch's character and hope to see more of Sue's softer
side with her sister. One of my favorite show moments has to be Artie singing
"Dancing With Myself" but that may just have been topped by Kurt's heartfelt
version of "Defying Gravity" during the Diva Off episode made more poignant by
his gut wrenching decision to throw the contest. This show can make me laugh
hysterically and sob all in one evening and I love every moment of it! Not only
do I share a passion for this show with my daughter, but my knitting group has
to discuss every episode when we get together. I don't know many shows appeal to
that wide of an audience.
We are not only counting down to the
premiere but also hope to get tickets to one of the two Chicago Glee Live Tour
shows in May. Hopefully they will end the live show with a version of "My Life
Would Suck Without You." How fitting would that be?
If I could talk
with the cast of the show I'd love to find out more about their training and
what they think are essential skills for pursuing a career path like they are on
since I know my daughter's wildest fantasy would be to be part of the show
Persistence pays off. Yesterday, the Oprah studio called an invited Andrea and me to be part of the studio audience for a Saturday taping of the show that just happens to fall during Andrea's Spring break. She is beyond excited and I not only get to go see Oprah again, I get a road trip with my daughter. It doesn't get much better than that!!

reminds me of the time my Dad bought my Mom and I tickets to go see the Rolling Stones together when I was in high school. I will NEVER forget that. :)