Salmon and Risotto
Tonight's dinner for one took a little bit of time to get ready but was well worth it! I wanted to use the last tomato of the year from our garden as well as the last zucchini and tiny bit of thyme so I thought about it for far too long today and came up with a slow roasted tomato seasoned with garlic and thyme (made in the toaster oven) layered with risotto with the zucchini stirred in at the end along with the seasonings, cream and cheese and the whole dish was topped with Salmon. I will totally admit to being inspired by reading that Paul McCartney and is new wife had Salmon risotto at their reception but hopefully, this dish was even better! LOL!
This dinner was so incredibly good and the only leftover I have to deal with is the risotto. To make it even better, I didn't have to wash my plate since it was a fabulous bamboo
disposable plate given to me by Marx Foods. The plate held up incredibly well, even to the juicy tomato! This meal makes me wish the garden season wasn't ending!
This dinner was so incredibly good and the only leftover I have to deal with is the risotto. To make it even better, I didn't have to wash my plate since it was a fabulous bamboo
