Grab The Ball ... I Dare You!

Darby loves to taunt me with his toys. His ideal game is chase where I would rather play a version of fetch with Darby doing the fetching.
Because of this little difference in the rules of the game, many, many versions of the taunting are demonstrated on a regular basis. And no matter how many times I get the ball away and throw it for him, he comes back to taunt me again!
It never gets old ... for either of us!


janel said…
Darling photos..I love the black and white. Have a great evening.
Ramona said…
Awwww, what a cute story and even more adorable photos of Darby. :)
Tracy said…
Oh my gosh-I love these photos of Darby!!! I had an Airedale, named Max, who gave me that same look with a toy in his mouth when he wanted to play keep away. Darn dog never did learn to fetch!!!
pam ehlers stec said…
I love that big goofy dog of yours, Sue! The photos that you took of him are wonderful. But then, ALL of your photos are wonderful. You're so talented it makes me want to barf! lol!!!
Susan said…
a favorite game around our house too :-)
Darby is so dang adorable!
Steph said…
He is sooooo dang cute!!
ugh...Tater does that same thing...she wants us to actually get up and chase her...not happening! She's good at the "drop it" command now. :)

Samara Link said…
Okay, not to parrot what I said the last two time I commented on your blog, but great photos!! The black and white is so crisp and the perspective you were shooting from is great for these. What a cute baby! Aren't they just amazing to have in your life?

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