Weekend Knitting Update

I haven't finished many knitting projects lately but for Easter I was able to complete a pair of knitted felted clogs for Greg...
and a pair of felted Mary Jane type slippers for Andrea.Here's a photo of how Andrea's slippers looked before felting (washing in very hot, soapy water). It always surprises me how much smaller the slippers are when I take them out of the washing machine but it's totally cool!


Samara Link said…
These are amazing! I can't belive you made those! Well, I can. But I am still impressed. What a lucky family you have. Any chance you'd make a pair of those clogs to sell??
Tracy said…
LOVELY!!!!!!! I'm jealous!
Jill said…
They really turned out nice, Sue! There will be happy feet in your family :)
Susan said…
adorable slippers Sue.
I really now wish I had not bought a front loading washing machine. You cant felt anything in them...but I guess I can always take them to my Mom's for felting.

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