The animals are happy!
We have a bench in the front window and our animals have claimed it as their own. The cats enjoy hanging out on the bench when the sun shines on that side of the house. The dogs watch the comings and goings at the front door from that spot. Because it's such a well loved spot the bench cover has taken an unusual amount of abuse which has been showing for awhile. We've been covering the damage with blankets and thows but it was time to get this ugly mess out of our front window.
Since Tigger is probably the pickiest one in the house I think it's safe to say the rest of the animals will like it as well! Woohoo!

After Greg pulled the old fabric off the bench seat I broke out the iron, pliers and staple gun and got to work. I think the staple gun was loud enough that it kept the animals interested from quite a distance but as soon as I put the newly convered seat back on the bench Tigger came over to inspect my work.
Since Tigger is probably the pickiest one in the house I think it's safe to say the rest of the animals will like it as well! Woohoo!