When I get home from work each day you have me in your sights. There is no backing off until you get what you want. It starts with assuming your position on one of the kitchen stools and watching for me to enter the room.
As soon as I do I am greeted with demanding meowing that will not stop until you get your evening treats! The scheduled treat time is 6pm and was firmly established when Indy needed his nightly medications and you wanted in on the fun. However, I don't think you're nearly as good at telling time as Indy was because if I come home early or am home on the weekends you will do this for hours!!! Not cute, Thomas!
To your credit, as soon as treat time is done you turn back into the snuggly cat we all know and love!

Don't they make coming home 200 times more special? I love when my cat talks to me. Different noises for different things. Thomas looks like a good buddy.
Thomas and Indy. Great names. :)