Look - Don't Touch

It took a couple of attempted sniffings before Thomas figured out what we all know... With candles the rule is always look - don't touch!


Samara Link said…
Isn't it fun to watch them learn these things?! Had a similar experience recently with Oliver. They figure it out though, huh? Thomas really is beautiful, Sue. :)
pam ehlers stec said…
Poor Thomas! He had to learn the hard way didn't he? Every year Emma has to re-learn that pine needles are pointy and they'll poke you in the nose if you get too close!
Steph said…
Oh my gosh, Thomas looks just like a Thomas!!! LOL! I always worry about Maggie with candles, too. I can just see her long-haired tail sweeping a candle and getting burned, but they always seem to figure it out, don't they?
Sue as usual your photos are simply STUNNING :) Thomas is a georgous cat and a little too curious for his own good.
janel said…
Oh...loving your photos! Beautiful. Have a great week, and stay warm!
Anonymous said…
Lol-- I hope that Thomas still has all of his whiskers after getting close to the candle ;-)

Jill said…
It always scares me when they have to explore like that! Sue, you got some amazing shots of Thomas and Darby...love your photography!!

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